Learn To Fly

Welcome to The Paragliding Academy! 

Where wisdom meets paragliding

This is a sport that changes lives, and we take that very seriously. If you want a quick fix, this isn’t the place for you. If you’re ready to go deep and get high, welcome to the Academy.

We’re not recreational pilots. We’re not old men and women of the sport. We’re the tip of the spear, the bleeding edge, the athletes on the front lines pushing what is possible. We’re top level competition pilots, acrobatic masters and cross-country pioneers. 

Now we’re redefining what it means to teach paragliding. 

Gone are the days where freshly minted P2 pilot was totally useless and needed remedial instruction. Gone are the days of immature instructors yelling at students. Gone are the days of pilots learning from people who can barely fly. 

We’re changing things around here, and we’re starting with rock solid foundations.

It starts with expectational management

helping people understand what the path to safe and sustainable flying career really looks like.
Paragliding well takes emotional intelligence, communication and self-awareness.
This is a foundation for us.

Then we build up bulletproof skills, from the ground up.
Literally. We are masters at ground handling, and we set our students on the same path. More expectation management, more patience, more emotional skill. This is the safest, surest way of progression. 

Once we’re in the sky, all the foundation building pays off. By the time our students are flying, whether on their first flight or in an advanced XC clinic, they are calm and confident because of the work we have put in on the ground.



  • Learn with us in Central Oregon
  • Amazing flying sites and consistent weather
  • Instructors with thousands of flight hours and decades of experience

The Gaggle
Our digital community

  • Gives you access to our exclusive content
  • Monthly live Q&A sessions to answer all your questions about anything from techniques to weather to gear
  • Become a part of the community – ask questions, share insight, meet flying buddies on our private Discord server
  • Get discounts on Instruction, Clinics and Gear!

XC Clinics

  • Weeklong paragliding tours in the world’s best flying destinations
  • Small groups, world class guides
  • Direct radio instruction, tracklog debriefs, gear and flightplan coaching
  • Advice on literally everything you could ever need to know to master XC flying
  • Some of the best guides in the world – PWC comp pilots, record breaking xc pilots and experienced instructors
  • Thoughtful lodging, dining and iteneraries


Have any questions? We are always open to discussing your business, new projects, creative opportunities, and how we can help you.